Cube Starting Guide


1. Power Supply

Be sure your PSU can provide enough power.
A cube consume ~200W (280W overclocked).
If you use an ATX PSU you have to connect PS_ON to ground ("Masse" in the pic below) to turn on the power supply.

2. Check your ip address/network

Go to the Command Prompt ("win key" + "r", type "cmd" [ENTER]) type "ipconfig" [ENTER]
This will show your network information.

If your IP address is in the range (and you have a subnet mask of
connect the cube to your network and go directly to 3.
if not --> 2.1

2.1 Change your IP address

Open your networksetting and change your IP address to something in the range,
but not to the cube's address (.254). Connect the cube directly to your PC:
If you dont know how to change your IP click here. Or use netsetman

3. Configuring the cube

open in your browser, you should see this:

Now enter values, according to your homenetwork:

IP: cube's static IP, be sure it is in your network range. If the IP from your router is for example,
use an IP from the 192.168, range. Use a high number (but <254) to minimize the possibilty that your router's DHCP server
has given the IP already to another device.
Mask: should fit most home networks
Gateway: insert the IP of your router (the gateway IP from 2)
WEB Port: you can change this to 80
Primary DNS: insert the IP of your router (the gateway IP from 2)
Secondary DNS: optional

If you want to point the cube directly to a pool be sure the pool support getwork.
For best results we recommend to use a local stratum proxy (see 4.)
You have to enter two values below, seperated by a comma

Pool Ports: port1,port2
Pool addresses: pool1,pool2
Miners user:psw: user1:psw1,user2:psw2

click: "Update/Restart"

If the update was sucessfull you get:

"The parameters are updated or the system is simply restarted! 625"

If your cube is connected directly with your PC (2.1)
connect the cube now to your network and undo the changes in your networksettings.

Open the new IP in your browser and watch it start hashing :-)


4. Setting up a local stratum proxy

We recommend to use a Raspberry Pi with MinePeon, see 4.3 for other options.

4.1 Preparing your SD card

Download the latest Version of minepeon and unzip it:

Download and install the latest Version of Win32DiskImager to write the image to a SD card

Select the MinePeon.img image file, select your SD card drive letter (double check this!) --> Write.
Eject the card from your computer, insert into the Raspberry Pi, connect it to your network and power it on.

4.2 Configuring MinePeon

check your router for recently attached devices to find out the IP of your MinePeon.
Enter the IP address into your web browser. Login in with

user: minepeon
psw: peon

Due to MinePeon using a self certified certificate you will get warnings, ignore them.

set the correct timezone --> Save
scroll down to "Miner Startup Settings" --> click "Default bfgminer"
add "http-port 8330" to the last row in the setting box above --> Save

by default minepeon donates ~1% of the hashing power of the developer.
(it changes the pool for 15 minutes a day)
If you do not want this, you can turn it off/reduce it here.
But please support the developer.

Use MinePeon's IP and port 8332 in the cube config page.

For every differnt user bfgminer will ad another device. So if you have more than one cube, use different usernames to get separate statistics in MinePeon.

You can find more infos about minepeon here:


4.3 Other options

You can use bfgminer without minepeon.
The proxy function is enabled in the linux and win32 build


or you can use slush's proxy, but we recommend bfgminer.

5. Troubleshooting